Mississippi Magazine’s annual Best of Mississippi Travel survey is an opportunity for readers to support their favorite Mississippi destinations and attractions. Winners in 35 categories will be recognized as either “Best of Mississippi” or “M-List” in our popular September/October issue, our website, and on social media.


Bed and Breakfast, Hotel or Resort, Historic Hotel, Family-Friendly Resort or Hotel,  Spa Hotel, Boutique Hotel
Fall Festival, Spring Festival, Free Adventure, Holiday Attraction, Historic Destination, Animal/Wildlife Attraction, Art Museum, History Museum, Casino, Distillery and/or Brewery
State Park, Boating and Water Sports, Fishing Hole, Hiking Trails, Canoeing/Kayaking, Biking Trails, Sports Shooting Facility
Adventure Outfitter, Boating Supplies,  Bikes Supplies and Services, Hunting Supplies and Services, Travel Agent, Gas Station Grub and Road Snacks
Girlfriends’ Getaway, Family Getaway, Romantic Getaway, Downtown Shopping, Day Trip, Culinary Experience, Hunting Destination/Guided Hunting Facility


Is my business eligible to be included in the Best of Mississippi Travel voting?

If your establishment is Mississippi-based and is not part of a national chain, it is eligible.

However, franchises or chain-businesses are eligible if that chain originated in Mississippi.

How and when can people nominate and vote for Best of Mississippi Travel?

To nominate, they should visit mismag.com from March 15 to April 15.

To vote, they should visit mismag.com from May 15 to June 15.

There will be a permanent link for both

How can I encourage customers to vote for my business?

Use your imagination to spread the word. Share the link to the electronic ballot on social media, display signs in your business, and include our Best of Mississippi Travel authorized graphics in advertising.

Can I or my employees fill out ballots on our customers’ behalf by using their email addresses?

No. Only an individual who owns an email account may complete and submit a ballot. If more than 10 ballots are submitted from the same computer (IP address), all ballots from that computer will be voided.

When will the survey results be revealed?

Best of Mississippi Travel winners and M-List will be announced in the September/October issue of Mississippi Magazine as well as on social media.

Click below to get access to the Best of Mississippi Travel authorized graphics.