“I’ll Take Manhattan” candle by Glasshouse, $49.99; Southeast Ace, 3720 Hardy St., Ste. 10, Hattiesburg, 601.326.2389, and 4900 Poplar Springs Dr., Ste. 18, Meridian, 601.286.3860
Cumbaa Design Co. signature fragrance (mélange of spices and evergreen), $36; The Olive Tree, 517 University Dr., Ste. 1, Starkville, 662.722.3019, theolivetreestarkville.com
Linen and honeysuckle scented candle by Musee, $27; The Mississippi Gift Company, 300 Howard St., Greenwood, 800.467.7763, themississippigiftcompany.com
Mississippi Candle by Scripted Fragrance, $36; Madison Marketplace, 961 Madison Ave., #A, Madison, 769.300.8040
Candles by Tyler Candle Co., small, $8.95; medium, $16.95; and large $24.95; Poppy’s, 922 Washington Ave., Ocean Springs, 228.872.8584
Exclusive Ocean Springs Candle Co., $46 to $52; Mimi Reinke Designs, 929 Washington Ave., Ocean Springs, 228.231.0311, mimireinkedesign.com
Honeydew Crush candle by Capri Blue, $38, large; and $28, small; Whittington Gifts & Decor, 100 Russell St., Ste. 8, Starkville, 662.268.8549